Dec 3, 2009

Busy Thanksgiving

We had one busy Thanksgiving weekend. It started on Thanksgiving morning. I ran the Austin Turkey Trot which benefits Caritas of Austin. It was five miles of fun. It was really a good run. I enjoyed every minute of it. Okay, not the last hill, but the rest was great. And I am really happy with my running time. I ran the entire five miles in one hour which means 12 minute miles. Not bad for a slow poke. I took a lot of pictures during the run. Yes, I ran with my camera. I do it in most races except triathlons. But my camera started acting funky during the middle of the race and didn't start acting right until the end. So I would have taken more pictures but I couldn't. I missed pictures of a lot of interesting costumes. You can check out the pictures by clicking on the picture to the left or here.

Then after getting home, showering and packing up, we went to Roger's parent's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Roger fried two turkeys and they were delicious. The guys watched all the football games outside and then in the garage while the rest of us got all the rest of the food ready inside. There was a full house of family and friends. You can see pictures by clicking on the picture to the left or here.

Then on Friday, after we slept in late because we didn't get home until 3:00 a.m., we went with the Mommaerts' family to see the movie A Christmas Carol in 3D at the IMAX. Then we had a great dinner of Indian food at the Clay Pit down town. No pictures from that because we were too busy stuffing our faces with delicious food!

Saturday we spent most of the day putting up the rest of the interior Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree. We don't decorate the inside very much, mainly because I'm lazy and don't want to have to take it all down at the end of the season. But we are very excited about our new Christmas tree. We can finally have a full size Christmas tree. So we donated our old Christmas tree and all the decorations to a family last year. Which meant we had to get all new Christmas decorations. But you know me, I'm frugal. So we made Christmas ornaments out of holiday cookie cutters and only had to get a few other items. You can see pictures of the Christmas decor by clicking on the picture above or here. We also took our Christmas card picture. But you can't see a picture of that until you get our infamous Christmas card in the mail.

And finally on Sunday, we helped renovate the Soli Deo Gloria building with fellow brothers and sisters from our church for Serve Austin Sunday. We had a great time working on the building getting it ready to serve East Austin better and getting to know people from our Restore Community (community group) and our church more. You can see pictures from Serve Austin Sunday by clicking on the picture to the left or here.

See, I told you we had a busy Thanksgiving weekend. ~ Holly

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