Nov 17, 2007

CNN Article Everyone Should Read

I came across this article on, "Wounded warriors face home-front battle with VA." It made me completely mad and sad. Everyone needs to read this article to know exactly what's still happening to our injured soldiers when they return home. It's completely ridiculous. This is the same process Roger is going through so it hits home for me. Guess I'm a little connected to the issue and that's why it pushes me over the edge. I know even if Roger wasn't going through this process, I'd still be pissed off our soldiers are being treated like this. Make sure you watch the videos. They give a lot more insight into what these war heroes go through when they get back and what goes through their minds. It's crap like this that makes you wonder what the hell is going on in this country sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been following similar stories about how they are mis-diagnosing PTSD in soldiers in a way where the military opts to discharge in a less than honorable way.Essentially,they could dismiss someone on misconduct when it was really that they had not had proper mental health treatment after coming back from combat.
It made me angry! I will try to find the exact articles pertaining to it so I dont misrepresent any facts.