Mar 24, 2009

Spring Break

Well, it's really over. Spring break for Austin was last week. It went by too fast. It was crazy here in Austin. Not only was it spring break, but it was the first week of the Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo and South by Southwest, a huge international music and film conference. There were over 1800 bands performing in the area the whole week. It was a crowded, crazy place but it was fun. We had some fun of our own with not one, but two families visiting us during spring break. The first weekend of spring break our friend Kezia from DC went to Houston to visit her sister and family and they all headed to Austin to visit us. That was so sweet of Kezia to share her family time with us. It was so much fun. There was a lot of wine tasting, appetizer eating and game playing with a trip to the capitol and history museum plus some good barbeque thrown in. Good times. Then the last weekend, my brother and his family came to visit us and we went for a ride on the Bertram Flyer with the Austin Steam Train Association. We have been trying to do this together for many years. My five year old nephew Cole said he has been waiting 30 years to ride this train. He is a hoot! It was a lot of fun and very neat. I hope we get to go on a longer train ride next. It was awesome to be able to host entire families in our new house. We love our house even more now that we know we can accommodate more people. So come visit us why don't you?!

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