Feb 16, 2008

Update On My Dad

Sorry I didn't get this update on my dad out yesterday. We weren't able to get internet access until today. My dad was admitted into ICU Thursday night. The CT scan showed no tears, so a gastrointerologist was called in. While he's been in the hospital, he has given 4 units of blood and 3 units of plasma. They decided they wanted to probe my dad's stomach in order to check it. His gastrointerologist, Dr. Ragupathi, did the probe yesterday afternoon. And they found 6 ulcers in my dad's stomach. So that's why he's been losing so much blood and probably attributing to all his gastrointestinal issues. Dr. Ragupathi gave my dad a lecture because he was supposed to go back to see him last year after his colonscopy, but he didn't. So my dad has to go see him now. Can I say, I told you so.

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