Jul 5, 2008

God Bless America

We ventured up to Cedar Park, Texas with the Mommaerts family for 4th of July festivities last night after Roger got home from work and we packed up our chairs, cooler, hats, picnic blankets, snacks and the like. During the day, the city had a huge festival in a park with games for kids, information booths and a live band. It was really nice. Then we set up our picnic area across the street in a school's field with many other people to watch the fireworks. The fireworks were disappointing but it really didn't matter because we had a great time sitting around talking, laughing and munching on salsa and cookies and consuming adult beverages. The weather was beautiful. We had a great breeze all evening. Roger didn't get bit by any mosquitoes. Shock! We ended the evening at Roger's sister's house and continued the fun until the wee hours of the morning. We took some pictures and posted them on Flickr. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. God bless America.

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