Apr 21, 2006

Sim? CT!

I found out this morning that my Radiation Simulation later this morning is actually a CT scan. Funny name for a CT, IMO. I'm off to retrace Cassie's steps to NNMC via the metro. This is my first time taking the train there. I think I'm going to take the cane along so that I can score a seat when I get tired. My right leg does get tired, but people won't give you a second look without reason. I need a fancier cane - this geriatric silver metal one I have looks nasty. Maybe a wooden one with flames? Coooollll....


Anonymous said...

Rog..Thinking of you big guy. Glad all seems to going well. You have a great attitude and keep up the good work. Hugs to Holly also. Take care...Teykl's

D. Wallace said...

You know you have options...
There are those wooden canes with the animal heads on them that look like they are biting you and tails and craziness - or - you could get one of those canes that has the "honka honka" horn on it and the side view mirror! Those crack me up!

I bet if you hit up an old guy, he could get you the hook up on the cane industry and where to buy. hehe